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Installing and connecting the Youless LS120

How to connect the Youless LS120 to my smart meter and Enelogic?

Similar questions:

  • Install the Youless LS120
  • Connect the Youless to my smart meter
  • Connect the Youless to Enelogic

In this knowledge base article we will guide you through the steps to successfully connect the Youless LS120 to your smart meter and Enelogic.

Step 1 - Create an Enelogic account

Already the proud owner of an Enelogic account? Please continue with step 2.

Of course it is possible to use the Youless without any platform, but can you imagine living without all the insights gained by our platform? We certainly cannot live without our platform. But before connecting the Youless with Enelogic, you will need to create an account on our platform.

Via the link you will be able to register your Enelogic account.
We strongly recommend using a safe password.

Our password standards are as following:

  • Minimum length of 8 characters
  • Minimum of 1 capital character
  • Minimum of 1 regular character
  • Minimum of 1 numeric character
  • Minimum of 1 special character, for example ! ? @ # et cetera

After creating the account, our platform will send a 6-digit number to your email address that needs to be used for verification purposes.
Without this verification step, your account will be deactivated within 48 hours.
Did not receive a 6-digit number? Check your spam folder!
After activating your account, you can continue with installing the Youless.

Step 2 - Connect your Youless to the smart meter and your modem/router

Before connecting the Youless to your smart meter and modem/router, we will have a look at the contents of the box containing your Youless.
Be advised, cable colors can differ from the given example.

Youless doos inhoud

In the box you will find these items:

  • 1 Youless LS120
  • 1 RJ45 cable
  • 1 RJ11 P1 port cable
  • 1 S0 connector (small green connector)
  • 1 Mini USB cable
  • 1 5V power adapter
  • 1 3M sticker

Hopefully you will be able to distinguish the Youless from the rest.
If not, we will provide you with a small hint: It’s the small black box!
This will provide the connection between your smart meter and Enelogic, so let’s have a look at the possibilities of this small black box known as the Youless.

Youless overzicht

These are the possible connections of the Youless LS120:

  1. The S0 connector for connecting a kWh meter. More about this can be found here: Tussenmeter installeren. Currently this manual is only available in Dutch.
  2. De RJ11 P1 port connector. This is similar to an old telephone cable, but has a different cable layout internally, so please do not mistake one for the other. With this cable you will connect the smart meter to the Youless.
  3. Mini USB port. With the given mini USB cable and 5V power adapter, you will provide the Youless with power. Please make sure there is an available wall outlet nearby your smart meter. Alternatively you can connect the mini USB cable to your modem/router if it has an USB port.
  4. RJ45 cable to connect the Youless to your modem/router. Through this connection the Youless will communicate with our platform.

Rather use a WiFi connection?
Please refer to this (Dutch) manual: Connecting the Youless LS120 to your WiFi

The Youless needs an internet connection in order to communicate with our servers. This connection can be set up by using your modem/router as provided by your internet service provider. Also it is necessary to connect the Youless with the smart meter via the provided P1 cable.

Usually you will find the P1 port on your smart meter behind a small hatch, like the given example below.
Be advised, the Belgian smart meters have two ports. Make sure you use the P1 port, not the S1 port.

P1 poort slimme meter

Common mistakes whilst connecting to the P1 port:

  • The P1 cable is not fully seated in the P1 port of the smart meter and therefore has a faulty connection. You can check if the cable is fully seated by gently trying to pull it out.
  • It looks like the P1 port is already in use by a cable from the gas meter, how is this possible? Luckily the gas meter has its own port and cable to connect to the smart meter. The P1 port will be located somewhere else.
  • The P1 port is located on one of the sides of the smart meter and usually not behind a hatch like given in the example.

Using the 3M sticker, you will be able to stick the Youless to the wall or side of the smart meter so you cannot lose it. Our experiences have learned that it is better to attach the Youless to the side of the smart meter instead of in front of the pulse lamp, as shown below.

Youless succesvol aangesloten op je slimme meter


  1. Connect the Youless to your modem/router using the RJ45 cable.
  2. Connect the Youless to the smart meter using the provided P1 cable. The same Youless can be used to connect to a kWh meter via the S0 port.
  3. Provide the Youless with power using the mini USB cable and 5V power adapter.
  4. Stick the Youless to the side of the smart meter or a wall with the provided 3M sticker.

If you have followed the instructions so far, you will have a successfully connected Youless. Please continue with step 3.

Step 3 - Connect the Youless with Enelogic

Below we will provide some examples that resulted in a faulty or failing connection between the Youless and Enelogic.
  1. Browser extensions like ad-blockers in your browser
    When installing the Youless, please make sure that any ad-blocking related browser extensions are disabled before continuing. Always use your laptop or desktop to set up the connection.
  2. Using Safari, Edge, your smartphone or tablet to setup the connection
    Like mentioned before, only use your laptop or desktop to set up the connection. Also it is advised to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  3. Unable to connect and your ISP is XS4ALL?
    A thoughtful user has noticed that the security level 4 for XS4ALL users can block the connection between the Youless and Enelogic. Simply adjusting it to security level 3 in your modem should fix this issue.

Experienced IT-technician?
Connect to the Youless via your favorite browser using the assigned IP-address as found in your modem or router.

Not an experienced IT-technician (or self-proclaimed)?
Please use this link to find the Youless in your local network:

Youless zoeken in netwerk

Using the aforementioned link, your browser will look-up the Youless in your local network. Be advised: this can take up some time. Usually your Youless will show up and the button “Koppelen” should be visible. Currently this page is only available in Dutch. By pressing the button “Koppelen” after your Youless has been found, you will be forwarded to the Youless interface, directing you to the page as shown below.

Youless upload pagina

Via this interface you should be able to connect the Youless to Enelogic, simply by pressing “Enelogic koppeling activeren”. This redirects you to our platform as shown below. If you are not signed in yet, you will need to sign-in first.

Youless koppelen Enelogic

On this page you can decide how the Youless should be configured in the platform. You can choose between 3 different options, each of these will be described below. The platform is currently only available in Dutch, translated views in Google Chrome should work okay.

  • Slimme meter uitlezen via P1 poort / Read smart meter via P1 port
    As the name states, this option is just for reading the smart meter via the P1 port. If the Youless is only connected to the smart meter, choose this option.
  • Slimme meter uitlezen via P1 poort & 1 tussenmeter uitlezen via S0 poort / Read smart meter via P1 port & read 1 kWh meter via S0 port
    The Youless and our platform have support for simultaneous readings of the smart meter via the P1 port and a kWh meter via the S0 port. In this article you can read more about this option:
  • 1 tussenmeter uitlezen via S0 poort of pulslamp of draaischijf / Read 1 kWh meter via S0 port or pulse lamp or turntable gauge
    This option should only be used when you are only monitoring a kWh meter with the S0 port or installing the Youless on an old fashioned meter with a turntable gauge.

After you have decided on how to connect the Youless to the platform, only one thing remains and that is to press “Koppelen”. Pressing this button will connect the Youless to the platform and return you to the Youless interface. An eagle-eyed person might notice that the page is a bit different compared to the interface before setting up the connection. A "Token" should be visible, this token is the unique identifier of your Youless connection to Enelogic.

Youless koppelen Enelogic

As of now, you have successfully connected the Youless to Enelogic and thus should be able to view your actual usage on the platform. Be advised: It could take up to 5 or more minutes before the first data is visible on the platform. When some time (5 to 10 minutes) has passed, you should see the first data on the “Verbruik” page in the platform.

Youless koppelen Enelogic

You can use the button below to navigate quickly to this page. Please do not forget to make sure you have selected the correct meter in the graph. Under the tab “Meters” you will be able to switch to the correct meter.

Check my usage

General questions or stuck somewhere in the installation process?

Feel free to contact our support with as much information as you can gather. Screenshots of the page you are stuck at are greatly appreciated.

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